Drone Imaging & Contouring

Drone Imaging & Contouring One of the other services Geotronics offers with its Drone Program is: High Resolution Photos Georeferenced Orthomosaics 3D Models High Definition Contouring Multispectral imaging (like the Iron Oxide Index) These services can let you prospect a wide area, generate a high definition map (including for promotional purposes), look at an accurate […]
UAV Magnetic Surveying

UAV (Drone) Magnetometer Surveying UAV mag surveying hits the sweet spot between ground-based and airborne magnetometer surveying. You are able to get the mag sensor much closer to the ground over traditional airborne mag You can achieve a much line density over airborne mag (as little as 5-10 meter line spacing) You can cover a […]
Horizontal Loop Electromagnetics (EM)

Horizontal Loop Electromagnetics (EM) We’ll have a write up and description of Horizontal Loop EM soon.
Downhole IP

Downhole Induced Polarisation (IP) We’ll have a write up and description of Downhole Induced Polarisation (IP) soon.
Report Writing

Report Writing Geotronics provides high quality reports backed both by our extensive experience in mineral exploration and a strong writing ability. A common problem we hear from clients is issues they’ve had with unintelligible and poorly written reports that are difficult to decipher. We pride ourselves on the professionalism in our reporting, and this is […]
3D Interpretation

3D Interpretation Magnetic, Gravity & IP Surveys We can both conduct magnetic, gravity and induced polarisation (IP) surveys to make 3D interpretation particularly suitable and conduct the 3D modelling and visualization ourselves. Much of 3D interpretation is comprised of (relatively) new techniques that has become possible with the hugely increased processing power of personal computers. It allows […]
Tree Bark Sampling

Tree Bark Sampling In rare cases where conditions on the ground discourage other types of geochemical surveying it may be necessary to sample tree bark. Tree bark in appropriate zones is harvested and tested for mineralization much like soil samples. Due to the biological nature of the samples, careful interpretation is required and only certain […]
Standard Soil Sampling

Standard Soil Sampling Like MMI, standard soil sampling is surveying for anomalous metal values in surficial deposits (such as glacial till, colluvium, fluvial deposits, etc.). The main differences between MMI and standard soil samplingare the sampling procedure and the type and breadth of analysis performed in the lab.
MMI Soil Sampling

Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) Soil Sampling MMI soil sampling is an advance geochemical exploration technique proven in finding mineral deposits, particularly at depth where it has a distinct advantage over standard soil sampling. Its advantages include: few false anomalies, sharply defined anomalies, repeatability, defined metal zones and associations, detection of deeply buried mineralization, low noise, […]
Rock Geochemistry

Rock Geochemistry Rock geochemistry is the process of taking rock samples from interesting sites and analyzing those samples for their mineralization content. This type of surveying takes place during the reconnaissance phase.